Saturday, 25 April 2009

First nightingale this year

Yesterday we had a hot Summer day over here. And today, Saturday, 25th April, back to early March with lots of rain, pouring down continuously.

Outside, in the garden, I hear the booming voice of Mr. Nightingale. The rain does not stop him. As every year, I try to locate the elusive bird. In vain. I have never succeeded to see him. Not once in all those ten years we are living in this green paradise.

Then it occurred to me that I could at least make a recording of his song. Thus the video does not amount to very much but you can hear him, loud and clear. Let's hope he'll get his wife not too early because I imagine that will stop him singing.


  1. No song quite as sweet as the one heard from your own door.

  2. Georg, green paradise indeed. Wow! Brings back many, many memories. How wonderful it is to be with nature in all its glory. I envy you...a concrete jungle full of one type of "animal"; that is where one is living now...with a dream that you already are living.

  3. unseasonably warm here too- until next week when it gets a bit cooler. should not have 90 degree F in april. but the birds here love it :) too much! chirp, chirp, chirp from really early in the morning to late into the evening. going to dig up the awful landscaping that the sellers of the house put in- compost them of course :)

  4. To Sorrow
    Birds right here is certainly a pleasure. We give them some food, even a little in Summer, to keep them over here all year round.

    To Vinod
    So I think you are not born in the city of Delhi but somewhere in the countryside. Near the Himalayas?
    Those who are city born frequently do not miss nature and consider a concrete-steel-glass surrounding as normal.

    To Betmo
    What do you mean by "going to dig up the awful landscape......

    What is a "landscape"? Or is the a joke that I don't dig??

    Please come back and explain, I am getting sleepless because of this.


  5. Hi Georg, I was born in a city, not Delhi, but have lived for some time in the mountains. Having experienced both city life and life close to nature, I know what the latter means.

    Besides, I absolutely dislike living in cages called high rise buildings and am fortunate that I have been spared at least that till now.

  6. Hi George,

    It's so calming, I listen to your video while working :))

    So niceeeeeeee, love the white and pink blossoms.

  7. Hallo Georg,eine wirklich schöne Post und wirklich schöner Garten!Wünsche dir einen schönen Tag - und grüße an die Frau ;o)

  8. To Vinod

    Do you happen to be a Maharadja, old friend? Living in a bungalow inmidst of sprawling New Delhi?

    To Hiva

    Glad to hear that, really. Because flowers loose something when photographed or videoed on a rainy day. Unfortunately.

    To Geisslein

    Let me telly you first that I really like your name. Very strange, very impressive. Wünsch Dir auch was, alles gute und nicht nur am Wochenende.


  9. Hi Georg, I am a man of modest means. And I don't live in a bungalow of the kind you have in mind. It is an independent house.

  10. Quelle bonne idée! c'est charmant!
    Ici aussi il y a des oiseaux toute l'année, mais pas de rossignol... du moins chez moi.
    Je te souhaite une bonne soirée
    Gros bisous

  11. Je suis la seule à parler français, je ne vais plus oser revenir!

  12. Bonjour Viviane,

    Tu es toujours la bienvenue, je l'ai déjà dit.

    Avec les Rossignols, nous avons de la chance. Je crois, il y en a plusieurs vu le raffût qu'ils font.

    La nuit, c'est parfois si fort que je pensais d'abord que c'est un enregistrement.

    Bises miauleurs

  13. Je plaisantais quand je disais que je ne reviendrai pas!
    Je lis et je comprends (très bien) beaucoup de langues, mais je suis incapable de les écrire parce que je les ai apprises "oralement" lors de mon travail à l'étranger.
    J'ai appris l'anglais de façon orale en 1963 avec des iraniennes (et je leur apprenais le français) elles travaillaient avec moi, tu vois ça ne date pas d'hier!
    Les seules langues que j'écris sont l'espagnol, l'italien, le suédois (mon père) et un peu le hollandais et je maîtrise parfaitement le latin et le grec.
    Donc! je lis ce que tu écris mais... pour répondre ! aïe!!!
    Bonne journée

  14. in my part of the hood there are a lot of migratory birds during this time -- some even with bright hues likes bluish green , but i do not know the names of any..
    thanks georg for entertaining us with the song of the nightangle..

  15. "Living in paradise" --wow ! all those colors.. i am just encouraged to capture the colors around ..let me see what i can do

  16. Salut père George!!!!
    T'en as de la chance d'avoir un rossignol sous tes fenêtres. Il a un chant merveilleux.
    Mais il me semble qu'il y a plein de légendes à son sujet :
    en particulier la princesse et le rossignol.
    je vois en regardant ta vidéo que tu n'as pas été en mesure de le filmer.
    Il est particulièrement énervant, ce zozio. On est à côté et on n'arrive pas à le voir.
    çà t'énerve! hein?
    En tout cas tu as un beau jardin.
    Alors tu semblant de le filmer.................
    Ah c'est beau le cantal!!!
    A bientôt

  17. Cardinals, robins, blue jays, and an eagle are some of the birds that frequent my backyard. They are often a source of inspiration and joy for me, especially during the spring when I see them relentlessly gathering food for their young. Thanks for sharing the clip!

  18. Cardinals, robins, blue jays, and an eagle are some of the birds that frequent my backyard. They are often a source of inspiration and joy for me, especially during the spring when I see them relentlessly gathering food for their young. Thanks for sharing the clip!

  19. Georg--this is quite beautiful...
    by the way, to answer your question:
    A "landcape" is what the FORM of the surroundings of a house look like. For example, a "landscaper" is someone who plants trees, shrubs, flowers, perhaps places stones, or rocks to make the house's surroundings look more "attractive"--I'm guessing that Betmo is referring to an overly large amount of "landscaping" being done.
    I'm not sure.
    Hope this explanation helps.
