Friday, 30 March 2007

Millions of people without work in Europe

Hallo Chackavak and everybody who wants to read this - regarding joblessness, people having no work

Unfortunately, no government will be able to change this situation. We are living in the midst of a technical revolution due to the introduction of the computer.

You see it everywhere: 15 years ago, 15 people were needed for job that can be done now by two or three! No new or old government is able to change this! However they are able to talk about it and telling us "sleep tight, we'll arrange this for you, just vote for us".

Unfortunately, this technical revolution is accompanied by a social one: there are people elsewhere ready to do our job for about a tenth of the salary! So, in a nutshell, we Europeans have bad cards, for the moment. Maybe in 20 years the Chinese earn as much as we do, but in the meantime: massive loss of jobs.

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Politics seen from high up

Here in France, we have a Presidential election next month. At this occasion, all candidates tell us how they will be able to wash us in depth without making us wet. A real pleasure. One thing is sure, starting from next month, we all will be more affluent, richer, especially the poor and the jobless.

Some years ago, elected politicians told us that everybody will be richer by working less. And it was done, we worked less, no more than 35 hours and as a result some of us became richer in free time. Meaning they lost their job.

Presently, the same people explain us that those who still work too long hours should stop this nonsens and get relaxed. Work 35 hours per week and be happy like all those civil servants who do this already (coffee break, included) .

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

This evening I had my first coment on this blog. It came from an Iranian blog called Bereftd, never seen before. Thank you, unknown fighter for more rights in this country.

Whenever I look at an Iranian blog, I don't know what to think. A minority is fighting for human rights, democracy and thus for the rule of law. But I feel the vast majority of the people there are deeply immersed in their religion, hundreds of years away from us here in the West.

And naturally, the politicians there - same as here - are thrifty enough to take advantage of this situation. What to say about a politician who is endlessly talking about God? I suppose it's nothing but an opportunistic attitude - maybe they are atheists at heart, who knows. Our politicians talk always about our jobless people and the poor and the measures they would take in case they are voted into office............